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To enhance the service standard and provide the customers with more professional services, our sales force is organized according to customers by industry, and there are different dedicated teams serving key customers in the relevant industries, allowing us to provide the customers with customized services and advertising solutions, satisfying the diversified need of our customers.

Integrated Printed Media Service

We sell integrated printed media service to advertising customers in various industries. This combines the advertising space provided by our newspaper partners with our value-added advertising services which includes design, layout development, content development and event organization.

To provide such services, we signed exclusive cooperation contract with newspaper partners, selling advertising space and our relevant services to adverting customers. Besides, we also provides several complementary services (including distribution management, publishing printed contents by digital means), providing the advertising customers with the largest market promotion value.

Remarks: Complementary services are services provided to several newspaper partners according to the comprehensive cooperation contracts. Such services aim at consolidating our cooperation relationship with newspaper partners, helping them to raise the quality of their publications, enhance their attractiveness to the readers, so as to help us to raise the revenue generated by sales of integrated printed media services to our customers.

Complementary Business

We help the newspaper partners under comprehensive cooperation contracts to operate several complementary business including printing and distribution consultancy services.

Publication Distribution Consultation and Management

Through the provision of publicationdistribution consultation and management services, we almost fully operate the publicationdistribution of Southeast Express and Lifestyle Express. Such services allow us to reach a cooperation relationship with those printed media partners’ advertising arm. To facilitate effective publicationdistribution, we will provide assistance in publicationdistribution management and staff training to those newspapers. Our services include designing and adjusting publicationdistribution direction and optimize the resources allocation of the newspaper partners in the best way possible so as to have the best outcome.

Newspaper Printing

We have three plants in Fuzhou, Kunming and Guizhou for the printing of Southeast Express, Lifestyle Express and Central Guizhou Morning Post. Through operating the printing section of the newspaper business, we implement quality control on the printing quality of the newspapers so as to better assure the quality of advertisement placed.

Media Partners
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